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ePN's Timesheet & PayrollTracking Solutions

Over the past two years, small- to mid-sized businesses have faced many challenges due to the pandemic, economic uncertainty, supply-chain issues, health risks, and more recently staffing shortages. The current worker shortage is a result of multiple converging factors that vary in magnitude based on region and industry, but the result is the same – over 42% of SMBs struggle to fill jobs left vacant by former employees. For businesses looking to maximize time management, eProcessingNetwork has the back-office solutions that help merchants track employee time and productivity, as well as see where there are opportunities to better manage current and future headcount. ePNTimeSheets is a time tracking service utilized through the ePN Merchant Support Center, ePNJPOS and ePNMobile. This centralized reporting tool allows the tracking of time, schedules, and provides robust reporting allowing supervisors to manage corrections and adjustments, as well as upload IFF files directly into QuickBooks®. ePNTimeSheets allows SMBs to manage multiple timesheets at once coming in from multiple locations, whether your employees are in the office or on the go! Through ePNTimeSheets, supervisors can customize alerts and approvals to better manage overtime, clock corrections and skipped lunches. ePNTimeSheets allows businesses to automate the timesheet process and streamline payroll, saving the merchant time and money, which in today’s environment is certainly good news.


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