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Fitness Equipment Solutions to Help Get Your Business Into Its Best Shape Ever!

Whether you sell exercise equipment or run a gym, merchants in the fitness and equipment industry are seeing the industry rebounding after the global events of the past two years, especially within the United States. Over 49% of US consumers plan to spend money on implementing New Year’s resolutions. That has a direct impact on workout facilities which are seeing members return to in-person training, as well as online training and equipment sales for those who prefer to maintain better health in their home gym. With the industry of over 32,000 gyms in the US, and expected global revenue of over $100B worldwide, merchants are poised for profitability without doing any heavy lifting. Merchants who implement subscription and memberships services through recurring payment solutions offered by eProcessingNetwork can expect to see their business bulk up in size. With ePNRecur, our recurring transaction processing service, merchants can sell merchandise through installment payments, or offer their customers services on a subscription or membership basis. ePNRecur offers custom scheduling options to meet the needs of customer payment preferences, and integrates with our robust QuickBooks Solutions for easy accounting management. Coupled with ePNRCAU, our card account updating solution, merchants can make sure that they never miss a payment due to outdated/bad card information.


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